> The problem is [Neil Young's] vocals. Not really all that confident sounding at times. David Bash were (briefly and sorta) talking about this recently. I happen to like a LOT of high-pitched singers who I think have a lot of f*&ked up charm because they *don't* sound confident, including Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips...I guess it doesn't bother me and I can see why it might bother some people.... What I especially *love* about that first Neil Young album is the fact that it works (for me) as an *album*, and I love the layered production...(Young himself calls it "Overdub City") It's also sequenced nicely; "each side opens with an instrumental overture and ends with an epic, with shorter, more straightforward numbers in between" (that's from his biography, Shakey). It's like a journey.... Audities folks, if you haven't heard this album but always heard it was a piece of crap, check it out sometime -- you might be surprised by it. Bryan