Back in the 90's I was in a band called Major Nelson. Nearly every review of our first album (Christmas With Major Nelson) mentioned Big Star as an influence. At that point I knew of them, and had heard a Clilton solo record (as well as the 'Mat's song named after him) but I don't think I (nor anyone else in the band) was especially familiar with their catalog. We would have listed the Beatles and the Who, had anyone asked. I'm guessing one of the earlier reviewers heard something, mentioned it in his review (which we added to the press kit) and it became a self-sustaining chain reaction (revieiwer two: "Oh, reviewer #1 thinks they sound like Big Star - OK, so do I"). In frustration we named our second album "Big Stir" (and put a picture on the front of a pot on a stove boiling our first album and our 7"). Well, that was a stroke of genius (not) as we gave an opening to lazy readers/proofreaders to keep mis-referrring to the album as "Big Star." Eventually the lead singer/songwriter decided he wanted to channel Billy Corgan, and I was outa' there. Oh, just for the record, there were no Christmas songs on the first album.