Is 12 too young for the Queers? Certainly if she was a boy I'd recommend that, starting next year: no adolescent male could resist songs called "I Can't Stop Farting" and "Ursula Finally Has Tits." I'd throw in Go Sailor's self-titled album from 1996 too: it's a little scrappy and very "indie" sounding, but if I had a 12-year-old daughter, it's a record I'd want her to hear. "See, you can be a woman doing this sort of thing without being the Donnas and going 'Look! We're women! Doing this sort of thing! And we're women! You can tell by how much we talk about being women! And have you noticed our tits yet? Here they are again, just in case!'" Further strong recommendations for the Aislers Set (featuring Amy Linton, who was Go Sailor's drummer) and Henry's Dress (which was her other early band). S