--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, Joe Field wrote: > Not to de-rail the Mars Volta question, but you mentioned the new Pearlfishers! > That's the CD I'm most looking forward to this year. It's not to be officially > released for another couple of months, right? And how does it hold up to the > last three Pearlies' CDs? The new Pearlfishers CD, Sky Meadows, is excellent! A lot of the signature sounds are still there, and the mood is probably the most upbeat of all their albums. Probably the strongest batch of songs as well. You'll love it! --- In audities@yahoogroups.com, "Michael Roux" wrote: > I heard from Marina that David Scott may be > coming over, at least for a show or two, in the Northeast sometime before > the end of the year. He's also scheduled to play IPO Liverpool. Joe, you're just gonna have to come to the Cavern! -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David (n.p. The IPO Liverpool schedule)