I was friends with Jim Ellison and the Chicago power pop band, "Material Issue". As many of you know, he died a few years back of suicide. There's a guy on Ebay that says he was Jim's best friend. He's auctioning off clothes and memorabilia of Jim's that he said were given to him by Jim's mother. Do you think that it's the right thing to do or kinda creepy? It doesn't seem so bad for some of the autographed posters, sunglasses, guitar strap, etc. but the clothes and bracelet just seem too personal. It seems that if Jim's mother gave them to the guy, he should either keep them or if he no longer wants them, give Jim's mother the money that the items generate from the auctions. I'm sure if she knew they were being auctioned she would not feel happy about it. Kind of a raw thing for a "best friend" to do. Here's his leather outfit: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...item=3342035914 You'll see the MI stuff in the middle of page one: http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.d...&sort=3&rows=50 Scott S