>To paraphrase Todd Barry, making fun of music is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. No, it's as easy as LOOKING at fish >in a barrel. However, having worked as a journalist, I can understand how the venom may build up in one's system. There's >only so much mediocre music you can take before someone gets unloaded upon. Oh, absolutely. And I think everyone understands...or they certainly ought to, anyway...that there's no possible list anyone can create with which every single person everywhere will agree, no matterwhether you're praising or insulting. >The list Blender put out, however, was really lazy and showed how little the magazine staff actually cares about what it's >doing. I mean, if you told me I could write about how much I disliked Falco, you'd get a long and, I think, rather funny >screed about how his music got my goat, especially "Rock Me Amadeus," which actually makes me physically ill. Now, give five >writers the task of writing about the ten artists that make them cringe, stir them to anger or drive them to depression and >you may have a very funny piece that points out that this is an entirely subjective and personal subject. Instead, we get >the Blender list, which is more than a little pathetic. I still haven't seen the actual magazine, but, for some reason, I imagine it to contain quick, tight lines about each artist that would get you the hook at most comedy clubs. Examples: Blind Melon: To listen to their music, you'd think they were Deaf Melon. Mike and the Mechanics: In desperate need of a tune-up. The Doors: Where's the one marked "exit"? Live: D.O.A.. Gipsy Kings: Hopefully, the Tramp Kings and Thief Kings have better material. Okay, actually, that last one's pretty good. I'll have to remember it...