In a message dated 8/15/2003 1:00:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > So Blender put out a silly list - get over it. To paraphrase Todd Barry, making fun of music is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. No, it's as easy as LOOKING at fish in a barrel. However, having worked as a journalist, I can understand how the venom may build up in one's system. There's only so much mediocre music you can take before someone gets unloaded upon. The list Blender put out, however, was really lazy and showed how little the magazine staff actually cares about what it's doing. I mean, if you told me I could write about how much I disliked Falco, you'd get a long and, I think, rather funny screed about how his music got my goat, especially "Rock Me Amadeus," which actually makes me physically ill. Now, give five writers the task of writing about the ten artists that make them cringe, stir them to anger or drive them to depression and you may have a very funny piece that points out that this is an entirely subjective and personal subject. Instead, we get the Blender list, which is more than a little pathetic. --Chris Bucholtz