<< .....The Hollies added powerful Everly influenced vocals and in-your-face arrangements, the Searchers added the Jangle...... >> YESSSS!!! The Searchers!! I haven't had the pleasure of spending much time on Jeffrey Glenn's couch lately (Hi, Jeff!) so this is as good a virtual opportunity instead as any to once again bemoan the fact that J. McGuinn and his Byrds should share at least HALF the credit for, quote, inventing folk- and/or jangle-rock with the almighty, all-harmonising, electric-12-string-since-'62 (!!) Searchers. I know Tom Petty has studied those first four Searchers albums religiously; Peter Buck should only be so candid ;-) << I love the Beach Boys, but to me they're a pop band, not a power pop band. Power pop may chime, jangle, and soar, but it's gotta thump as well. >> Side One of "The Beach Boys Love You." I repeat: Side One of "The Beach Boys Love You." Perhaps MY all-time-fave P. Pop album, yessir, Gary "Honkin' down the infobahn" Pig