Dear Sirs, You may be surprised to hear from me... OK just kidding- just groupiegal/ wife of popster Cliff Hillis here grovelling for a few online votes. Cliff and his band the Forward Thinkers are in a contest to be one of the opening acts for the Psychedelic Furs next week in Dewey Beach. The inside skinny is that it is a 3 way tie between CHFT and well, two other bands. If any or all of you could just take a moment and click on the link below, the voting poll is right on the front page. All you would have to do is check off CHFT and hit enter. Could it be any easier? The poll closes on the 14th, so if you could just pop on over there it would be swell. Thanks a bunch in advance for all of your help! I normally would not do this but I think my family has all voted and well, you all are pretty close to family! In other pop news, Cliff and I swung by Pete's Candy Store in Brooklyn last week on my birthday and got to check out a swell set by Mark Bacino. It was great to finally hear his sunny infectious pop in a live (albeit acoustic) setting. Also the surprise find of the evening was the guitarist playing with Mark was Greg from the Pillcrushers. We noticed his excellent guitar playing with Mark and were thrilled that he performed some of his own material later in the evening. Look out for both! :-) thanks for your vote! beth "I am my husband's groupie!!!!"