Sometimes you just get on a musical roll. In the same week that I saw Sparks and Les Paul in New York, I got to see the Canadian wunderkind and two of the legendary Zombies in the same day. Hawksley, playing guitar, while accompanied by a pianist, did a couple new tunes and hit both his full albums in a 45 minute lunch time set at the Chicago Cultural Center. His intense vocals, which may be the best pipes since Jeff Buckley passed, were on, big time. In the stripped down format, he tweaked the songs a bit, but the essence was there. His one-two finale of "Jealous of Your Cigarette" and "Tarantialove" was awesome. He's playing outdoors at the Halsted Street Market Days today at 7 p.m. As for Colin, Rod and the crew -- the set wasn't drastically different than the last time. The crowd, on the second of two nights at the Abbey, was around 300 (how crowded was the Thursday show -- Bill Jones, can you help?). A bit small. But quite vocal. And speaking of vocal -- Blunstone was on, big time. "A Rose For Emily" confirmed that a couple of notes have been shaved off his range, but otherwise, nada has been conceded by Blunstone. At times, Colin was getting applause for some of his soulful shouting -- much deserved. The group shed a couple Blunstone solo and Argent band tunes, though they still hit those catalogs. Two songs from the last Blunstone/Argent album (one decent blues number, one slow tune that was the only clinker), two from their upcoming one, which the current band plays on ("I Want to Fly" was played last time around - good ballad, and another R & B number which references old Zombies stuff -- decent, and fun live). A bit more Zombies -- the best being "Beechwood Park", which they did not do last time. And Colin talked a bit more, Rod emceed, and bassist Jim Rodford (ex-Argent, Kinks, et. al.) told some stories. As a bonus, Cynthia Plastercaster was in attendance. I think she was too young to immortalize the Zombies when they played Chicago. Anyway -- some great live music -- Mike Bennett NP: Dolly Parton -- MISSION CHAPEL MEMORIES (cool Raven Aus. comp of Parton's 1971-1975 period) Record reviews and more at _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*