>From: David Pearlman >Unless she's taken up with someone else who is writing the music, I can't >believe anything she'll put out with be any better. All points made regarding 10K Maniacs/Natalie are OF COURSE valid and greatly respected, however, I've always loved them (with Natalie, not so much without) and actually still enjoy. I even, gasp, enjoy some of her solo stuff. Apparently this new project is Natalie reworking some folk classics (although I'm not sure and have no details, hence my original.) So, David, you may even enjoy this 'un (as my Ohio family would say.) Knowing that Natalie's not a favorite on the 2 or 3 lists I'm on, I figured I wouldn't have much success with the question, but I'm always willing to give 'er a shot. Other artists my hip friends hate that I like...Matchbox20, John Mayer. -Jeff Brenneman NP: Beck Sea Change (still living this, what a year/year and half later.) Not great driving music, but quite introspective.