Just a quick report on Dada's show at Iota last night in Arlington, VA. wow. blew me away. one of the top 5 shows i've seen...right up there with the Posies show at 9:30 with the acoustic set as a 3rd encore and Ben Folds solo at 9:30 last year. The band was smoking, the place was jumpin with excitement, and even the 1hr45min delay between bands couldn't sour the vibe. It was WELL worth the 11+ year wait it took to see them live. They are recording new music and hope to have it out in the fall according to guy managing them last night. Here's the setlist: Time: 2hrs10min 01. Dim 02. Playboy in Outer Space 03. Surround Me 04. Trip with My Dad 05. Feet to the Sun 06. Here Today, Gone Tomorrow-->Kink's "Tired of Waiting" 07. Sick in Santorini 08. Heaven 09. Ask the Dust 10. Gogo 11. Feel Me, Don't You 12. Information Undertow 13. Moon 14. Drum solo 15. Posters (abbreviated) 16. Dizz Knee Land 17. Encore Break 18. Legalize It 19. Bob the Drummer 20. Baby Really Loves Me 21. Where You're Going (abbreviated) 22. Dorina -kev