At Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 15:21:27 Joe wrote: >Too bad I'm going to miss that show!! Have a great time out there Jamie. >I'm >going to see if we can find you a guitar. Will a Banjo due? That'll work great in my version of "Squeeze Box" and "Say You Love Me" (Fleetwood Mac) :-) Been havin' too much fun in the sun out here in LaLaLand...keep falling asleep everynight before the gigs! Damn that three hour time lag for us Torontonians. Still, surprised that there wasn't ANY American news coverage of the July 30th SARstock concert in Toronto with the Stones, AC/DC, Rush and The Guess Who.....500,000 people is nothing to sneeze at.....hahaha......God, I kill me.... Off to see the original Adam West circa Bat Cave in the Hollywood Hills then it's off to my own gig. Dave Rave found me a geetar.... Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records of Canada, Inc. "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!" _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*