i agree completely! besides, what pet lover wouldn't love a tune called "golden retriever" by a band called super furry animals? okay, i think it's about a gold-digging girl, but still... i love the quirky sounds that seem to rise above the mix. and this record isn't as challenging for me as the prior recordings (which, in my world, is a good thing). i haven't done the headphone thing yet, but i imagine it's made for close-range listening. jen --- J&J Giddings wrote: > Far less electronic and a bit more laid back than > Rings Around the World is the new album "Phantom > Power", by Super Furry Animals. Great slow to mid > tempo rockers with great melodies and Beatle-esque > tones, along with some beautiful harmonies make this > a great Sunday morning record...or perhaps an > "altered state" album. With nice wide-frequency > range(every sound cuts through and nothing ever gets > muddy), the production, done by themselves, is > striking on headphones. The disc has 14 tracks, one > instrumental and clocks in around 54 minutes. Like > R.A.T.W. it will have a DVD of animated films to > parallel the record, though not available until, > what, September? > Well worth the purchase. > later, joe __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software http://sitebuilder.yahoo.com