The good news is that a "special edition" of "Kon Tiki" went on sale today on their website. The bad news is that those of us on the Cotton Mather newsgroup were tipped off that it was going on sale by their bass player, Josh, and a lot of us were keeping a second-by -second vigil. I think they lasted about 15 minutes. Apparently, according to Josh, they were made for their French tour and these were all that were left (I think there were 10). I had asked him about it in a recent post and they dug them up and put 'em on sale. He's also saying to expect an official update from them soon, but it doesn't sound like they've broken up (although their guitar player, Whit, has apparently moved on). That is all ... oh, wait. No, it's not. I know many of you on this list that are here in L.A. were probably at IPO last night (Wednesday), but if you missed The Polyphonic Spree at The El Rey, you may have well missed the pop show of the year. I've gotten to the point where just watching a few guys on stage (or gals, sorry) playing their songs not unlike I can just hear them on CD isn't an enticement to go out anymore. I need a show to go with it. The PS put on a show like nothing I've ever seen. Twenty-seven love and light filled Texans all dressed in white robes dancing and singing like it's a pop music revival tent meeting playing music that's a psychedelic mix of Sgt. Pepper/Godspell/Pet Sounds/AM Radio (actual radio, not the band)/etc. It was an amazing site and an amazing show and the sold out crowd was in pop nirvana. Don't miss them the next time they come to town. NOW ... that is all. JK