> From: "Seaman, Dave" > Subject: elvis brothers have left the building > I really enjoyed the Elvis Brothers at the Not Lame showcase night at IPO > Chicago in 02, and have been meaning to find some of their music? Is any > of it available by CD, and if so, any recommendations? I just picked up a > vinyl LP of "Adventure Time" (1985) from the bargain bin at the nearby CD > store, and have yet to listen to it. Hi Dave, I'm really glad you enjoyed the show! It certainly was one of my most treasured IPO moments as well. You can get all the Elvis Brothers albums on CD. There's a two-fer of Movin Up/Adventure Time, as well as their 1992 CD Now Dig This, all on Recession Records. According to The Elvis Brothers website at http://www.chitown.com/http/music/elvis.html they can be ordered directly from the site. Have fun! -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David