I'm really enjoying "Welcome Interstate Managers" - the toes have been tappin' nonstop since it hit the CD player. I find myself playing "spot the influence" in many songs. Not quite as obvious as was Sawg's "Catch All", but I swear that I'm hearing familiar things when I listen to various songs. I'm not saying that they intentionally or consciously put them in, but I hear bits of The Cars ("Stacy's Mom"), The Monkees ("No Better Place"), even Owsley ("Hackensack"). I swear I hear a Todd R./Nazz influence on a few tracks too. I'm not talking a whole song necessarily, but a riff here, a jangly guitar there, a vocal intonation here....you get the drift. I'll be driving along in the car and fell like I've heard that sound or riff before and it will drive me crazy until I can think of it. Am I halucinating or what??? PS: I find the video for "Stacy's Mom" to be very...well predictable, cheesy, etc. Very MTV. Again, it contributed to the "Cars" feel. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software http://sitebuilder.yahoo.com