Mark wrote - I clearly remember that when I heard the first Smiths album, I absolutely hated it. I even referred to Morrissey as "Lettuce Head" due to both his strident vegetarianism and simply because I thought he was an insipid whiner. It took a while, but with a few more albums and Johnny Marr's melodies, I really began to appreciate the band. And I now really enjoy both the sharp attack and the droll humor in Morrissey's lyrics. I've had the opposite experience - loved the Smiths from the first time I heard them on John Peel in the 80s and *Meat is Murder* remains one of my all-time faves (still maintain that *Queen is Dead* is a tad overrated) but I can't bear to listen to Morrissey's awful drone anymore...pity because Marr is a guitar genius. cheers N/P: Watashi Wa - The Love of Life (Tooth and Nail)