Hi Shaun, Thanks for the review. I like Sloan a great deal too (also starting with "Twice Removed"). Very sorry to hear this early review of it not being so "hot" and I'm now curious if others will agree (anyone??). Is it more in the vein of "Navy Blues"? I ask, per that one's a bit harder rockin then the usual Sloan and I actually think that disc is one of their best. Also, in the your mileage may vary department, I tend to least like Andrew Scott's songs, thus, this fact isn't necessarily bad news to my ears. However, you've already got me wondering about this one.... Best, Steve > Although I've only listened to it a few times so far, I am terribly > disappointed in the new Sloan. It is all hard rock ala AC/DC and April Wine, > there are no songs by their drummer Andrew Scott, and even jay Ferguson's > songs are hard rockers. There is one song in particular, I can't remember > the name right now but it is a Patrick Pentland song, that is just > atrocious. > > I'm not just slagging the band, I've been a big fan since Smeared and their > album Twice Removed is one of my favourite Canadian records of all- time. I > really want to like the new one, but it's not happening. Not yet anyway. > > I don't know if a US label has been found for the album yet either. > > Sean Palmerston