Thanks Stewart for confirming the Oldfield/H&O connection. I was starting to worry that my mind was making strange and unusual connections between things that just don't go together. Now can you explain why I poured mustard on my corn flakes this morning? :) You're a NY guy now, right? Come out to the gig on Thurs and I'll buy you a beer (sans mustard) -Mark (who wishes he had a "Tubular Bells" to rework every couple of years) *Check out song samples- >Indeed it was, from the period of "I'm going to write pop songs, which is >something I'm not actually very good at, instead of writing 40-minute >instrumentals, which I do quite well," which came before the current period >of "I'm not even pretending that I have anything interesting or relevant in >me anymore, so I'm just gonna rework TUBULAR BELLS every few years." > >S >In regard to the Family Man quote, although it does come from the songbook >of the mighty H&O, I believe (sadly, giving credit where credit's due) the >tune is actually a cover. Something in the sick, useless corners of my mind >tells me that "Family Man" was actually penned by Mike Oldfield of "Tubular >Bells" fame? Weird... > >Can any Auditeers out there with similar useless knowledge confirm this? :)