Welcome to the 21st century. Paraphrasing the late Ian Dury... Sexagenarians & prescription medications & rock 'n roll. >Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 09:16:02 -0400 >From: "Harris, Will" >To: "Audities (E-mail)" >Subject: Not that there's anything wrong with being 60... >Message-ID: > >...but, man, does the media really need to have so much fun with it? Dig >the teaser line for a current story on the Stones: > >"British rock legends the Rolling Stones postponed a concert scheduled for >Tuesday in the Spanish coastal resort of Benidorm as sexagenarian frontman >Mick Jagger succumbed to laryngitis, town officials said." > >"Sexagenarian"? I mean, come on...that's just another way of sneering the >word "geezer"; otherwise, they wouldn't go out of their way to use a word >that isn't exactly one that finds its way into the paper on a regular >basis. > _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus