--> If you really must hear the record before the release date, we prefer that you download it from your favorite file sharing source. We the Beulahs also download songs to check out new music and understand its importance. However, if we decide that we like the band, we actually make a point of buying their record to support them. Now just so you know, we are not in the business of guilt tripping. We just hope that those of you who have heard the record already via downloading and/or file sharing will at some point purchase the album. For those of you who don't like it, well, we don't expect you to buy an album that you don't like. --> Bravo. I'll admit to downloading it, mostly out of curiousity - I haven't liked the older stuff, but know that a lot of people do. I didn't care for the new one either, and the files are gone, but when I have a few extra bucks and can't find anything else to buy, I will probably buy Yoko just to reward Beulah for "getting it". How refreshing... Scott