20/20 is playing with Twilley one night only in Oshkosh on 8/14. The details are at http://www.dwighttwilley.com/tour03.htm I am seriously thinking about making the day trip to check it out. I tried to get 20/20 to play with Twilly at Beat Kitchen and could not get the promoter to understand how many people would have loved that, especially becuase Flynt is playing with Dwight already. >> Hey Spaz, I too was at this show. (one of my favorite shows of the year) 20/20 knocked my socks off. They played the next night at the Glass House in Pomona to a crowd of about 20 people. They only did these 2 shows. Cathy >From: spazpop@e... > >Sometime last year, I attended a great show at the Knitting Factory >featuring the Last (awesome), the Records (also awesome) and 20/20 (also >awesome). I know that the Last and the Records are L.A. based but why were >20/20 in town? I don't think that they played any other gigs other than >this one.....