>Dwight Twilley will be coming to Beat Kitchen to play a show on August >16th. Dwight's band also features Ron Flynt, the bass >player/singer/songwriter from 20/20. I am trying to get confirmation that >Ron will play a couple 20/20 songs at the show, but this not yet >guaranteed. On a related note, Ron Flynt has recently produced the debut self-titled disc by one of my fave Austin TX bands, The Golden Apples. They were also on the bill with Dwight Twilley, Bill Lloyd, 20/20, and The Shazam at South by Southwest earlier this year. TGA will be the first band on the bill tonight at The Echo for IPO. TGA are scheduled to play at 7:30. Don't be late ! :-) Here's the handy description from Not Lame... Great new band from Austin, Texas that play a classic brand of power pop. Produced by Ron Flynt of 20/20 it's hard to miss some of the influence of this band and you can sense the excitement of the band working w/ the pop legend. You'll hear the gentle, strummy melodies of other bands such as Blue Cartoon, Einstein's Sister, Chewy Marble and The Andersons here. It's pure indie power pop that really hits the mark at almost every turn. Smooth, clean vocals, multi-part harmonies and instantly indelible hooks float this release above the pack. Very Highly Recommended! Jennifer _________________________________________________________________ Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail