After wavering for a couple of years, I've finally decided that I have attended my last IPO. The 3 nights that I attended I saw 17 bands. of these 17, only 3 I dug. One per night.A pretty low average. In the past there was at least other people who attended the festival to whom at least you could chat up a little. Missing hanging out at the Orchid Suites pool with other like minded people. In fact CVS was the only other person that was at the pool from IPO. And I was traveling with him!!! No Bruce Brodeen,Mike Bennet,John Borack, Robbie Rist,Robin Wills Bob Hutton. No Not Lame Pizza Party. No other bands like the Merrymakers were hangin. Hell, even the Coxes stayed at another hotel. It even seems like the people who were at the shows were basically fans of the band. Once their pals played they left with them after their set. Sunday night at Jimmy Foxes was pretty embarrassing. The only constant at each gig was Lisa Mychols applauding each and every band. God bless her. What seems obvious to me is to rethink the whole IPO. My suggestion would be to only have one a year in L.A.and whittle down the acts who perform. This way, the attendance will be up as well as the quality of the show. Get the people out here from Chicago and NY. Hell maybe not even have it in LA.They might be a lilltle too jaded down there. Maybe once a year in a different city. Who wouldn't love going to Chicago, SF, Nashville, NY, DC/Baltimore, Vegas, Philly, Boston, Seattle, etc, etc. A different city each year, yeah man, that's it. I don't mean to sound bitter. In fact I wish David Bash the best. I just think the Halcyon days are behind us. Maybe Doug Feiger was right, Pop is dead. Flame on... Tim Leonard NP; Frisbee - Pollyanna