>Has anyone been to these shows? :-) How did these artists sound? > >P. Hux (any ELO?) I wrote a review of P. Hux's set for the ELO-Showdown mailing list I run. I'll give you the short version. In a nutshell, a 6-song P. Hux set is just not enough P. Hux. It was a tight, guitar-powered set: Buddha, Buddha (Sunny Nights) I Loved Everything (Purgatory Falls) Perfect (new) Crymes (new) My Best Friend Hates Me (new) Simple Things (Deluxe) The new songs will appear on the next P. Hux album. The band was ON. Bassist Dan Rothchild, who played on "Purgatory Falls," and Hux's "P. Hux" drummer Gordon Townsend (recruited by The Orchestra in 2000) provided a strong backbone for the twisting and turning melodies. They were joined by special guest Stuart Mathis, who some may know as Jewel's guitarist. His sizzling solos turned up the heat a few more degrees. I loved The Derby - hadn't been there before. Coincidentally, the movie "Swingers" was on cable last night. It's one of my favorites, and some of the best scenes take place at The Derby. By the way, did anyone notice a certain street sign about a mile south of the club? Huxley St. Ha! (I'm easily amused...) Lynn