A few things I've picked up recently -- The All Girl Summer Fun Band -- 2 -- If you like poppy indie rock in the vein of cub and Tiger Trap, this is nice stuff. The New Constitution -- On 4 -- Though not as garage/R & B oriented, this Chicago band shares some common elements with The Sights - young (or they SEEM young...), a good grasp of rock's past, a cool raw production sound, and they rock uncontrollably. Kinda power pop, a bit punky -- the songs aren't all there yet (unlike The Sights, who have amazing songs), but there are a few really ones and everything sounds good... The Oranges -- Bubblegum -- If you haven't heard this Japanese band, they are kind of like The Vandalias if they were from Tokyo. They have the early '70s glam rock (a la Bay City Rollers, Mud, et al.) thing down cold. Superb production. Very fun. Cosmic Rough Riders -- Too Close To See Far -- Not as many stunners as the last album, but they stay the course for more sunshiney TFCish rock. The Model Rockets -- Pilot County Suite -- their outtakes are better than most bands regular albums. Great rootsy power pop -- sometimes they remind me a lot of Peter Holsapple era dBs. Friends Like These -- I Love You -- Minneapolis duo -- Somewhere between shoegazer and plain ol' college radio styled power pop. A few killer tracks. Produced by John Hermanson of Alva Star. Very good disc. Mike Bennett Record reviews and more at http://fufkin.com _________________________________________________________________ Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail