Other commitments (and yes, the fact that I've already seen most of my favorites in past years) have kept me away from most IPO-LA shows this year, but I wanted to put in a word for Saucy Monky, who played last Wednesday at the Derby. I'd never heard of them before, but they put down a fun, tight, professional and all-around impressive set. Many eyebrows were raised, and not just because frontwomen Annmarie and Cynthia are, as they say, very easy on the eyes. The songs, the singin' and the playin' were all top-notch. Their CD, CELEBRITY TRASH, was the best-seller at the merchandise table. In that perfect pop world we're always dreaming about here, they'd be huge. Sound clips and stuff at www.saucymonky.com Drew, who will be back at the merch table this Wednesday at Spaceland. Come say howdy.