I was really interested in Tim Leon's post about his IPO experience. In the weeks leading up to the event, I have to say I was a little non-plussed by the whole thing...the schedule didn't excite me, and most importantly, the social aspect is just about gone. I had NO guests scheduled to stay at my place! In years past, I've had up to 8 people in my hotel room or house! I didn't even take off work this year. Fortunately, Chris Jackson from Nice Guy Eddie came through with a last minute save so I got to have SOME fun. (Maybe too much fun? Hummus came out of my nose at one point.) I realize now that nothing stays the same, it's just changing a bit. There are new bands taking over from the great discoveries of the past (Starbelly, Cliff Hillis, John Faye i.e. IKE, The Nines, Merrymakers, etc.) A lot of those bands have moved on, it's just hard for me to adapt to the changes. It's difficult for someone who has to take time off work, buy a flight, pay for hotel, to take the chance to see a bunch of bands they haven't heard of. That must be why many of the out of towners stayed away this year. The early years were like opening a floodgate, so many bands we had cds of, but never got to see...now we are jaded and it's more of a risk to travel out to LA. That's my take on that... Also, since a lot of the same bands play IPO East Coast and Chicago, why should they bother to come out here? So, that all said, last night (Saturday, July 26) was a glimpse of the best IPO can be. Despite a venue in the middle of nowhere, there was a decent turn out and most of the bands were VERY worthy of attention. (I will disclose that I missed Rainbow Quartz night, which I'm sure was really good...) Visit these links and listen to some clips, you won't be disappointed! These bands were all new to me, and they were all great. AND, they played one after the other! I almost wet my pants. PEACHFUZZ http://www.peachfuzzusa.com/ (They did the second cover of "Circle Sky" I've heard this festival, how can I not love them?) ORANGE PARK http://www.orangeparkmusic.com/ Adorable, in a gritty, shaggy, dirty T shirt way THE BLONDES http://www.teenaciderecords.com/ for info http://www.notlame.com/store/prodinfo.asp?number=CDBLON4&variation=&aitem=2&mitem=3 for soundclips and to buy THE EFFECTION http://www.theeffection.com/ yummy There have been other highlights, but I'll save that for another post. --- tim leon wrote: > After wavering for a couple of years, I've finally > decided that I have > attended my last IPO. > > The 3 nights that I attended I saw 17 bands. of > these 17, only 3 I dug. One > per night.A pretty low average. > > In the past there was at least other people who > attended the festival to > whom at least you could chat up a little. Missing > hanging out at the Orchid > Suites pool with other like minded people. ===== TallBoy Records P.O. Box 27757 Los Angeles, CA 90027-0757 http://www.tallboyrecords.com