AT Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 01:07:45 Stewart wrote: >At 12:07 AM 7/26/2003 -0400, Jaimie Vernon wrote: > >On another recording we had to wipe the entire audience track because the > >ambient hall mikes were feeding back through the whole show......and >another > >show I recall we took about 3/4's of the audience out because some nimrod >in > >the audience found the mikes and yelled into them through the course of >the > >whole show....and then there's those annoying assholes who spend the >entire > >gig going "Woooohoooooo" over and over again.....or whistling...... > >Somewhere in my collection, I have a circa-1950 live recording of the jazz >saxophonist Jimmy Forrest (best known for his R&B hit "Night Train") that's >clearly an amateur tape. At one point, a drunk guy apparently finds the >mic and starts drumming (out of time) on the table and woozily scatting >along with whoever's soloing at the time directly into the mic. This goes >on for about 45 seconds, until you hear the unmistakable "THOCK!" of the >microphone's owner punching the guy's lights out. Oddly satisfying, even >over half a century later. LMAO!!! One of our old classic rock acts is Goddo whose only Top40 hit was a song called "Pretty Bad Boy" in 1983. The song was a novelty hit of unprecendeted proportions because the chorus was sung by a 4-year old boy. As part of the band's 25th Anniversary Tour we had the kid come back and re-sing the performance live. Well, as a party-fueled 24 year-old, this "kid" was three sheets to the wind by the time he hit the stage (12 songs into the set). He put his arm around bassist/singer Greg Godovitz and used him as a prop to keep him from falling flat on his face....except it also prevented Greg from playing bass during the chorus. We lost the recording of the track....but with ProTools we were able to fly the kid's slobbering, sputtering vocal take onto a recording from a subsequent show and salvage a fan favourite. "Ah'm...a...pretteeeee....baaaaad.....boyyyyyyyyyyy, mannnnnn" Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records of Canada, Inc. "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!" _________________________________________________________________ Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*