On Sat, 26 Jul 2003 DanAbnrml9@aol.com wrote: > This will be very boring to the non-Boston area auditeers, but hasn't this > been your experience at the Middle East Downstairs? I found that the shows there > were consistently unlistenably loud with an atrocious mix that was not even > remotely enjoyable to listen to. I've had much better luck with the Paradise, > but I've gone to fewer shows in general over the past couple years so maybe > I've just been lucky (and maybe the Middle East fixed their problem...) --Jason I don't think the Middle East has fixed their problem. The sound quality downstairs is spotty at best. I recently went to see Francine w/Lilys & Swirlies at the M.E. down. Francine sounded great, but they were the opener... when the Lilys took the stage, it seemed as if someone had twiddled all the knobs, and they were a painfully loud, muddy, completely unlistenable mess -- so bad, I struggled through one song, and then left. On the other hand, recent Ted Leo/Rx and Long Winters shows there have been terrific -- still loud, don't get me wrong, but without the painful/muddy quality. Kinda makes me reluctant to fork over my x-teen bucks when it's so hit-or-miss. On a somewhat related note, I was pleasantly surprised by the sound quality at the Harp on Causeway St., where I saw one of Kay Hanley's farewell-to-Boston performances last week. What a great little venue. Nice stage, well laid-out club... I wonder if they're booking any other worthwhile acts. And on a totally unrelated note: Boston-area Auditeers who are Kay fans will want to catch her August 8th show at TTs's, which I believe will be her final hometown performance before she relocates to L.A. I'll be at the merch table -- stop by and say hi.