>From: "Kerry Chicoine" >Where are the audiences? Great posts, folks. Again...I thank those of you who do what you do. Preface: I'm not in the biz...just a fan with a wallet and a family. Here's some of my perspective...should you care. Question: How well are the Saturday/Sunday afternoon IPO shows "in the park" attended? Better or worse than the evening shows? My situation is far different than many of you who live within a reasonable proximity to a major metropolitan area that MIGHT actually have pop shows to offer/attend. For me...it's a hefty 2 hour drive over 2 mountain passes to get to Denver for a show...that is...if *any* shows were to *ever* come to Denver. (apologies to MCarp for missing his Ft Collins appearance. If it weren't for neck surgery...I'd of been there) It's definitely a place that is far enough off the beaten path that many Audities artists just don't stop in CO. Kerry's question re "audiences" is a good one. As a 40+ year old family man... I think it's important to remember that many 30+ pop/powerpop fans have families...and due to this...the "the show starts at 9...or 10...or later" DOESN'T work into the daily schedule whatsoever. (we're doing homework/giving baths, breaking up fights about then, FWIW) Not to take anything away from anyone who busts their butt in this industry...but if you think the music biz is rough...try having kids/balancing everyone else's schedule but your own/having little time for yourself...to play...to listen...to relax. Then there's the whole "bar" scene and the "over 21" shows. Chances are I'd bring my kids if I could...and chances are better that I'll simply stay home if I can't. Yes..it's great to escape every-so-often and be without the kiddies...but it's a major hassle to line it all up (at least for us/w no family to step in as sitters) for a 45 minute set in a bar 2 hours away. And shouldn't the kids be exposed also? It seems to me that limiting attendance in any way kills the messenger to an extent. My kids listen to stuff like the Rosenbergs and have shared the music with their friens who also LOVE it...but they'll never get a chance to see a band such as this because the shows all end up being in bars that tell them they can't come in. IMO, that's a big reason there's only 6 people at the show. I know this isn't the entire reason the shows aren't well attended...but for me...it does play into the mix. Any show I attend in Denver that is a "9PM start time" insures that I'll not hit the bed until 2-3 AM... which again...makes it very hard to work into daily life for me...and I'm guessing...for others w/ families/responsibilities that extend far beyond just making it to the bar to catch some live tunes. RE buying music/supporting artists: I try...but what I find is that with MANY of the Indie/DIY releases placed on lists here are nearly impossible to find/buy. Hopefully Kevins idea of amassing a list w/ links...etc. may help with this...but I can't tell you how many times I've travelled to THE store in Denver (Twist) that has the best selection of pop tunes in the city (IMO) only to be shut down because NONE of the obscure Indie bands touted here are anywhere to be found in the bins. Yes...i could order from multpile sources and secure some of these...but to me...1/2 the fun of being a music fan is going to the disc store and finding those hidden treasures. Then there's the cost. Some of these homeade CD's are still in the $15 range. It isn't hard (here anyway) to blow through the monthly budget on CD's at $15 a pop...and I find I have to pass on many discs I might have bought because of it. It's great that some of you get your tunes for free and can spread the word to the rest of us paying customers...but again...with hundreds of releases listed here ...each at $15 a pop...it's very limiting....and I hate to say it...but I see why folks download tunes because of the high cost associated with being a "mere fan" who heads to the disc store on a regular basis with $100 and leaves with only 5-6 discs that they may be buying "cold" in the first place. Anyway....I hope I haven't ruffled any feathers here...but the above are a few reasons that I'm not the disc buying/show attending fiend I once was when I had nothing else to care/worry about except making it to the bar by 9PM... I suspect other 30-40 somethings are in a similar boat. Pat _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus