I have been looking forward to this disc for some time. I loved SEE! and have high hopes for the new one too. Checkout the link to Not Lame for remaining copies of that gem here: http://www.notlame.com/store/prodinfo.asp?number=CDDATS1&variation=&aitem=1& mitem=1 The Datson Four stand and deliver a trashy, soulful mixture of brit mod-punk, 60's garage, soul, and power pop. In listening to this, I hear hints of The Who's early R&B-stomp, The (early) Clash and The Jam's late 70's mod-punk, the stones-esque crank of Chocolate Watchband and the prettiness of the Velvet Underground all wrapped up into one really great album. It clocks in pretty long (13 songs in just over 45 minutes), but it never dulls one step along the way. Easily one of the most original and interesting records I've heard in a long, long time. Might not tickle the fancy of all the Blank Generation readers out there, but it's surely shaping up to be a top 5 album this year."-Blank Generation. "Put this disc on and it will transport you straight to the Who, the Small Faces or even the Jam. Yeah, yeah, the retro flag comes up, but give it a chance and you'll be rewarded. The Datson Four do it with panache, conviction and expertise. This is executed so well it gets beyond the "been there done that" real fast. Lotsa' people liked it then. Tell me something, why shouldn't we like it now?"-Mote. "Every now and again a band emerges to deliver a monstrous record that conjures up memories of everything that was good about rock and roll - a captivating, blistering sound steeped in the best elements of 60's pop/ soul and 70's punk that is both reverent and creative. Shunning more modern digital recording equipment- "SEE!" was captured on an 8 track with vintage gear- the Datson Four have mastered the low glorious warmth of classic 60's "maximum R&B" and brash punk, offering a thunderous rhythm section matched by Trevor Anderson's intoxicating melodies and muscular, potent guitar chops. "SEE!" is reminiscent of the Shel Talmy produced Creation and the Who; it features a more stripped down, aggressive punch and soulful, confident vocals that show the band has done its homework and is poised to conquer."-Ottawa Express. "show the ability to break out of the windmill, guitar-driven, power pop to very ably throw in a serious early 60s Motown feel on a number of tracks. Unpredictable change-ups, strong melodic progressions and a real hip-shaking swinginess have you strutting, shaking and shimmying like a well-dressed tomcat"-Exclaim! -r np..Revelino-Broadcaster (i just rediscovered this 1996 Irish britpop treasure ) ok...someone tell me something about these Canadians...cuz man, I just heard 5 songs by them and i'm flipping out...some of the best stuff i've heard this year. Anyone seen them live? here's what a friend wrote to me about them: The High Dials - a band from Montreal (formerly known as the Datsons, but the name was taken away from them by a NZ band the Datsuns) I was introduced to them Sunday night on the radio show Little Steven's Underground Garage. The song I heard was "Morning's White Vibration" which is still my fav out of these 5........the music is Beatles 65/66 and everything sounds like its about to morph into Paperback Writer or Rain. Total jangly pop psychedelia and its fabulous. The album comes out in the states later this month... _________________ Kevin Gandel Computer Consultant Oddsman Ink 410.992.3893