At 05:32 PM 7/15/2003 -0400, Kevin Gandel wrote: > >ok...someone tell me something about these Canadians...cuz man, I just >heard 5 songs by them and i'm flipping out...some of the best stuff i've >heard this year. Anyone seen them live? The full album, A NEW DEVOTION, was in my best-so-far list early this morning. I personally don't hear the Beatles so much: this has much more in common with more overtly psychedelic groups from the '66-'68 British proto-art-rock scene, the stuff retroactively dubbed "freakbeat." The first album by the Move, perhaps, or much of what's on NUGGETS II, and especially Nirvana (settle down, Segarini, I mean the original UK Nirvana), whose SIMON SIMOPATH album sounds like it was the direct inspiration: this is putatively a concept album about some dude named Silas, although like most concept albums, I've completely ignored that aspect of things, and probably find the album better for it. It's all kind of ornate and slightly overblown, but if you tend to like this sort of thing, I think you'll find that they have a stronger sense of melody than many similar groups, and the album's 18 tracks do tend to differentiate themselves in melody, rhythm and arrangement. I'm not blown out of the water, but it's really rather good. S