This post brought back memories of my first vinyl purchases in my teens. I grew up in suburban Philadelphia and during the mid to late 1970's, my friends and I would go to a large discount store called Korvettes in the recently opened King Of Prussia Mall. Korvettes had the best prices and a pretty decent selection. As I remember, everything else they sold in the store was basically junk, but the Record department did really brisk business, particularly on the weekends. Korvettes went out of business years ago and the King of Prussia Mall has quadrupled in size and has gone pretty upscale ---Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom's, Nieman Marcus...or as my partner likes to call it, Needless Markup---but if you mention Korvettes to anyone who grew up in that era and who loved music, a smile will surely come to their face.... Cheers, Mark <<>>