At 04:24 PM 7/17/2003 -0700, Richard Brown wrote: >A friend of mine just turned me on to these guys (and >girls ....the band has 24 members!). I can't remember >if they have ever been discussed here....but I can >only describe them as a cross between power pop, YES >and ELO. I have been listening to them all week and >can't get their uplifting pop songs out of my >head......check out videos on their site...their >leader was with Tripping Daisy. They are playing LA at >the end of the month.... Charity and I went to see them last month: we had our doubts (we hadn't heard the album yet) and were initially quite suspicious of the whole thing. Turns out that the album is okay -- recommended if you're a big Flaming Lips fan -- but live, they are just utterly spectacular. Truly one of the most mindblowing shows I have seen in years. See them live if you get the chance. S