<< The next time that I read someone's comparison of Pat Boone to a fifties contemporary (it's usually either Little Richard or Elvis) that is anything but invidious towards Mr. White Bucks will be the first. >> I would've thought so too, Gregory. but THEN There Was..... http://www.roctober.com/roctober/boone2.html Now, what was most interesting to me in helping conduct this little poll for Ken Burke is that the main vitriol towards Boone seemed to emanate from us Boomers, whilst a surprisingly high sampling of Pat's actual contemporaries recognized -- and often even applauded -- the man's accomplishments. More frightening still is that I can hereby report, having once sung on a session (and actually spent the weekend) with the Boones, is that any so-called reality series based on that brood would make The Osbournes or even "I'm With Busey" seem very, VERY tame by comparison. PS: and in researching Domingo Samudio for a Music Hound book years back, I was told "Wooly Bully" was in fact written about his CAT ...which can bring all new meanings, and then some, to a line like "get yourself a filly to pull the wool with you" (as per J. Jett's version ;-), Gary "W. Bully or Yesterday? that IS a tough one..." Pig