Following up on Mike's post about promos - I'm assuming that most writers that focus on the type of bands featured here are spending a lot of their own money. As Stewart notes, it's a labor of love, and I'm sure one of the main goal of writing about music is to turn people onto some great new music. I did not mean to imply that reviewers get it all for free. Although it does shatter my illusions that Mike lives in the Fufkin mansion (which looks like one of Sadaam's palaces, but with better artwork) and has servants carry the boxes of free CDs into the music wing every day. I guess that means he doesn't also summer at the Amplifier compound in the Hamptons. Mike also mentioned Los Illegals' excellent song "L.A.", which was a fave of mine in high school. Has that album ever come out on CD? And did they do another record or did any of the guys in that band go onto any other bands? To Jamie Dave Best wrote: >Nobody likes a smartass. By nobody I'm assuming you mean you? Smartasses are responsible for most of my favorite posts on this list! Regarding Jamie's signature: >"Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!" That's the best label tagline since "If it ain't stiff it worth a fuck"! Have you put that on a t-shirt yet? Dale np: damn, that Ramones CD ended – I gotta go put something else on!