> I'll see you your hyphens and raise you one eyebrow: Best line of the week. :) > I still don't > think i've heard a song off the bends except "creep," > which, not surprisingly, i thereafter found to be > wretched, plaintive and offkey. I'm going off memory, but I believe "Creep" was from the first LP, PABLO HONEY. From BENDS, I truly enjoy "High And Dry" and "Fake Plastic Trees". However, I also know that Thom Yorke has one of those voices - and vocal styles - that you either love or hate. For me, the songs above and almost the entirety of OK COMPUTER showcases his warblings as a brilliant instrument...but I can see how someone would compare it to cats being squeezed with spiked gloves. TRY THIS...Go to the library (or a friend) and BORROW a copy of OK COMPUTER...wait until late evening, douse the lights (candles or fireplace optional), remove all competing sounds (animals, children, telephones), have some wine (optional) and stretch out on the couch or across a bed and just let the whole thing sink in from start to finish. If you're weary from the day, so much the better...you'll be in that uncluttered state of mind. I think you might be surprised. Worst case scenario, you avoided cell phones and children for an hour. :) cheers b