> An article on the state of the indie distrubution biz from HITS Magazine. Might be of interest to some folks. Kind of a good news/bad news >perspective, but gave me a bit of hope... There's an article someone posted on Slashdot.org today - from his academic research on copyright/innovation. I didn't get most of it, but he had a chart that said RIAA members in total over the last few years had significantly reduced the number of releases (choice) - by a very large percentage - 20% or more give or take - assuming - I guess - that people would buy the same amount from the smaller pool of releases - fewer bigger acts. The article you posted would seem to back that up a little - dropping artists etc. I would think - that there is more choice out there than ever when including small label and DIY stuff. Am I wrong in assuming that most indy labels are not part of RIAA? Good read by the way. Lee Elliott