> Which > brings me to a lot of interesting thoughts about the fundamental relationship > between performer and audience which I won't get into here...except to say > that > the McDonald's analogy is pretty astute. I just made a post a few minutes ago and this struggle and re-evaluation you are looking at right now, Adam - is very relevant tot his discussion, I think. I talked to you a bit about this when you were in Ft. Collins last month, but your hard work the last two years and the 'data' and experience of it, I think is important to share so folks can better understand what's going on for an indie/DIY artist, working hard to promote their music. Btw List mates, an example just posted, this post from "DaveBest" is exactly what I'd *love* to see a bit more on this list: "'Let Go' is easily the best album of 2002 if not the last 5 or 6 years.It's peerless power pop with a heart.Each song is totally unique and doesn't go down the road of some formulaic power pop. If you have heard of Nada Surf but are unaware of this album, you are in for a big surprise ! They were formerly an uninspired post grunge band who scored a MTV hit with the song 'Popular'. I would imagine that they now have the same opinion of this song as Radiohead do of the song 'Creep'(a yoke around their necks)" Thanks! Peace, Bruce @ Not Lame