> > >> and those disposable heroes have all but disappeared. I see the Sex >> Pistols are planning another >tour.Not only is Johnny Rotten an >> ignorant,despicable excuse for a human being but he is a >> hypocrite as well.He always used to criticise commercial artists now >> he is another prostitute to cash ! What a braindead idiot ! > > > He never ONCE said that commercial artists were bad because they were > rich....he just thought they sucked because they were CORPORATE > schills. Sounds like some revisionist, almost-history talking there. I'm not going to go all grad-school on anybody here, but people who bitch about the Pistols, or ANY OTHER PUNK BAND, on the topic of selling out or commercializing or prostituting or whatever are REALLY failing to understand a core tenet of punk (and I am aware of the fact that there are a lot of self-indulgent punk bands fall into this category, too; but what the hell, I just live for irony). To wit, punk was at one very important level a critique of capitalism, of the system, that sought to point out its corruption BY SELLING OUT TO IT. The great rock & roll swindle, right? Had he been able to pull it off, Lydon (and maybe I should say McLaren here) would have signed deals with 35 different labels. Sort of a double-reverse, tongue-firmly-in-cheek spoof of the system, if you will, and that's why Lydon/Rotten was the perfect figure for the movement. He was a consummate satirist. Still is. A lot of people lambasted the Pistols comeback tour a few years back and heaped bile on the new, sparkling Lounge Pistols (it was sure as hell punk-gone-Vegas), but I enjoyed the show as much as anything I'd seen in years because it was so completely logical. Johnny Rotten as Vegas Elvis. Which is why I've always loved Green Day. Billy Joe knows the scoop, and religiously refused to get caught up in the "you sold out" bullshit that followed them around after they hit the big time. In a show here in Denver he said "we're not a punk band, we're a melodic California pop band." Beautiful. So anyway, let's just make sure we're not engaging in too much revisionism. I probably hate what punk has become as much as anybody, so I won't tell you not to hate punk. Just do it for the right reasons. -- ___________________________________________________________ Sam Smith 1020 Jersey St. #2 Denver CO 80220 303.321.0515 /h | 303.981.4398 /c orb@colorado.edu | sam@lullabypit.com http://www.lullabypit.com ...it's a lonesome thing to be passing small towns with the lights shining sideways when the night is down, or going in strange places with a dog nosing before you and a dog nosing behind, or drawn to the cities where you'd hear a voice kissing and talking deep love in every shadow of the ditch, and you passing on with an empty, hungry stomach failing from your heart. - John Millington Synge