Wow - From: "davebest2001" > Punk rock put music into the dark ages.Morons everywhere thought > that they could sing and create bands.It had the effect of dumbing > down music.Legitimate artists were slagged of in the press by > ignorant bastards like Johnny Rotten and the Sex Pistols. Idiots like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage say dumb things every day. It only dumbs down America to the extent that people believe what they are hearing. If you really thought talented musicians were suddenly shite because a man wearing a coat made out of snot and safety pins said so, well... And morons have always thought they could sing and create bands...they just got less press coverage before this. :) > Punk rock was all about the frustration of working class people who > had no jobs and no money.This didn't make it a legitimate form of > musical expression. Excuse me? Art borne from frustration usually incorporates passion...something many "successful artists" of the current day could use a dose of. It may not have been pretty, but it certainly wasn't boring and sanitized. > Before punk rock ,there was no yob culture.With > the punk explosion, crime went up because people were copying the > anarchistic views of a few assholes like Rotten and Joe Strummer. True, I never referred to the carjackers, B&E man and gang members of my town as "yobs", so I guess I lived in peaceful bliss. But I believe the same wave of yobbism can be traced to the work of Charles Dickens and midnight showings of "A Clockwork Orange". :) > I am so glad that in the nineties and since the new millennium, real > talent has come back into music and those disposable heroes have all > but disappeared. See paragraph two above. I am not certain I agree with you - is nu metal that good? Does sampling and computer-enhanced vocals equate talent? Here's a test - name me a single from this golden age of revbirth that can stand toe-to-toe with "God Save The Queen" or "Anarchy In The UK". > I see the Sex Pistols are planning another tour.Not only is Johnny > Rotten an ignorant,despicable excuse for a human being but he is a > hypocrite as well.He always used to criticise commercial artists now > he is another prostitute to cash ! What a braindead idiot ! Did you ever feel like you've been cheated? :) Johnny's personality aside (and I find him to be an intelligent and witty guy behind the veneer), there is something odd combining a band like the Sex Pistols and a casino showroom. Mick Jagger never wanted to sing "Satisfaction" at 40 (50...60...) and Pete Townshend hoped he'd die before he got old. All politicians make promises they don't keep. But you never know what will happen on that stage until it does...maybe they'll play "God Save The (pair of) Queens" and rock the house. Personally, I'm more offended by Tommy Mottola marrying various waifs and shoving their product in my every orifice through every marketing combination possible, or fast-food chains sleeping with movie companies. Or the fashion industry being thought of as a component of the music industry. Or reality TV. But that's my take...I just respectfully disagree with yours. cheers b