Interesting points being made by all, no? But may I simply add two possible bottom lines: (a) Yep, the fluff always does seem to, at first, rise to the top and shine the loudest (ie: Guy Lombardo always filled more dancehalls than Stan Kenton, for quite a while there Pat Boone outsold Elvis (almost), and the most "popular" song in 1965 was not "Yesterday," "Satisfaction" or even "Like A Rolling Stone," but ...wait for it... "Wooly Bully." Still, the CLASS acts throughout these ages DO have remaining power, despite their being often overlooked and poo-poohed at the time of their arrival. So let us all just keep making our good art, and if we're lucky we'll be rewarded .....non-posthumously. (b) "It's the SONGS, dummy!" as the A&R man in me continues to scream. Say what you will about the vehicles behind the processed vocals (and videos), but the Britneys and the Avrils have some damn fine p-o-p beneath it all, and there always has been, always will be, and is right now, Today, an urgent need for great songs and great songwriters. So for those amongst us not quite willing to sacrifice their lives to the endless grey ribbon (Hey, Adam. You know I luv ya!), then consider taking, say, Adam Schlesinger's route and break down the back door instead ...and earn yourself some very nice "mailbox money" in the process. This all said, Thank Gawd for fearless crusaders the likes of Messrs. Bash and Brodeen: mark my virtual words, for their operations WILL be remembered, by generations to come, as the Ed Sullivans (I do mean that as a compliment) and Bluenote Records of their eras were, and are. If only we could have dozens more of their calibre and ilk on our side of the cause right about now. PS: and Love you too, Wendie, Gary "Give The People, and maybe even the industry, What They Want" Pig