"Non-Stop City" by The Surfin' Lungs (from "The Beach Will Never Die"); the best track off the best surf album of the nineties IMHO. Giuseppe ----- Original Message ----- From: "Drew MacDonald" To: Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 4:51 AM Subject: Surf suggestions sought As per a friend's request, I'm about to make her a couple of birthday CD-Rs devoted to surf music. The trouble is, I don't know much about the genre, and my collection is fairly light on the stuff. Fortunately, there's plenty of material on eMusic that seems promising, and since she doesn't know much about surf music either, I could probably get by on that source. But the eMusic songs are almost all "original era" material, and I'd like to leaven the mix with some more recent music (that is, anything recorded after the mid-Sixties surf heyday). I've got some Malibooz, Jeff Foskett and even Bobby Sutliff's cover of "New York's A Lonely Town," but if Auditeers have any suggestions for great songs that belong on an all-era surf sampler, I'd like to hear them. Drew