>And they have some nerve, after decades of price >fixing, payola and >strongarming through market share, to run like little >children to the >courts and Congress to protect them from what they >fantasize must be >the >cause of their dilemma -- us. With all the money they spent promoting their product (even if you don't agree with their promotion tactics), they have to protect their investment or go broke (which some of them are in the process of doing, thanks to copying by music fans). Their financial balance sheets and the hordes of people being let go (whether bands that were briefly signed and dropped or good ol fashioned employees) will attest to the fact that this is no fantasy! If you object so strongly to what they are doing, there is a very simple solution: JUST DON'T BUY CDS WITH COPY PROTECTION! If you don't agree with the tactics of the majors, then shift your support to the minors, indies, and artists out there who are going it alone with no support at all, other than the loyal fan base who BUYS their CDs. there are lots of independent artists putting out great music that doesn't have write protection (not that they couldn't benefit from it). Lucky for us, a lot of them are also fans who understand the idea of making a copy of a favorite CD for the car, the office, etc. and not necessarily to give to someone who didn't buy it! And, most of them don't subscribe to the price fixing of the majors - I'd much rather buy a CD directly from the artist right after the show for $10 than go looking for a major release at Tower or some other major outlet and end up spending $15. Instead of complaining about the system and continuing to participate in it and perpetuate it, speak with your wallet and support artists and labels whose music AND ideals agree with yours. -shosh __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month! http://sbc.yahoo.com