> How, pray tell, do you contend "these bands would have made > it on their own anyway"? > "making it" has nothing to do with "talent", right? So, if > your definition of "making it" is at all similar to mine: > i.e., being supported financially by one's career to the > point that one doesn't have to! work > another job (isn't this the definition of anyone's life -- > having your life's work support your LIFE?), Ah, but you see...our definitions of "making it on their own" are not the same. I mean their music would have found its way into the hands of people who enjoy it, all be it in smaller numbers. I was not in any way saying they'd have as much $$ as they do. I do not equate "making it" with making lots of money. I believe "making it" is writing music that you can record and sell and establish a name for yourself and see your work be enjoyed and appreciated by fans. > i.e., not a > weekend-warrior or emphatic hobbyist releasing disks on a > shoestring as in your first two sentences above (neither are > bad, just not my definition of "making it" as an artist and > I'll bet you none of those band's definitions either you'd lose that bet. But in any event, certainly many artists feel as you do, but there are plenty who ARE happy simply releasing their music any way they can and making just a small few bucks doing it. As long as an artist's primary drive is money in the music industry, they won't succeed. Say I'm niave if you wish...but i've seen it enough times over the years. Those that are doing this mostly for the money, and even HAVE a lot of talent, almost never get anywhere. need to prioritize. > sell), then please do tell me the magic formula that Aimee > Mann, Ben Folds and Pearl Jam could have used early in their > careers without being on a major label first is this where i'm supposed to chime in and say: a. I heard of Pearl Jam/had demos of them before their first album ever came out on Epic, by way of word of mouth and amazing concert reviews? b. I had Ben Folds Five's first album before they were on a major label, from seeing them on tour? I can't comment on Aimee Mann, because I hadn't heard of her until she was touring with 3/4th the Grays. This is my point...if the music is good and the desire is there, than the music WILL find its way and "make it" into the hands of the fans. People will seek out music. > gets me > wondering where the hell the next generation of musicians who > grew up listening to Pearl Jam, Aimee Mann and Ben Folds are > going to turn to follow their dreams of "making it" as a > musician/artist. Its called DIY. Do It Yourself. I have a tremendous amount of respect for anyone who writes music and works to get it out there (your included in that Wendie). Obviously, you've had the experience of fighting the uphill battle. But in my opinion, you've already "made it." Just wish you and other artists would see it that way too. -kev