I own one copy protected CD from the same band, released by Capitol Records Sweden and I don't have any problem when it plays in my computer.. CQ ----- Original Message ----- From: Stewart Mason To: Roberta Moore ; audities@smoe.org Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 6:07 PM Subject: Re: Mando Diao At 09:37 AM 7/10/2003 -0400, Roberta Moore wrote: >hi stewart - i am sorry that you had trouble listening to the mando >diao cd. unfortunately, my hands are tied as this is the policy that >is implemented by our parent company, EMI. I realize that it's not your fault, Roberta -- in fact, I specifically mention you in the review and how pleasant it's always been to work with you. >is listening to the cd in your computer your only way of listening to >music? do you not have a stereo? Yes, of course I have a stereo. I think there's a total of eight CD players in my house -- ten if you count the DVD players. But that's not the point, is it? There are perfectly reasonable and legal situations in which one might want to listen to a CD on their home computer, such as wanting to be able to hit rewind to catch a particularly choice line or riff while you're writing a review of it without having to leap up and walk across the office to do so every ten seconds. This software wants to monitor me like I'm Gary Glitter at a Little League game, even though I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING ILLEGAL. That is a presupposition of guilt, and it's a violation of my rights as a consumer *and* of my relationship with a label that has over the last couple of decades meant rather a lot to me. Trust me, I sympathize with EMI's desire to fight piracy. Even as poorly-run and ideologically lost as I feel the majority of major labels are, I don't want to see them destroyed. But I'm sorry, I firmly believe that installing data miners on people's hard drives is morally and ethically wrong, not to mention legally questionable, and I believe it's time to take a stand on the subject. I'm just sorry that it had to happen with a company that up until now I've had nothing but warm feelings for. S