--- Stewart Mason wrote: > At 11:20 AM 7/9/2003 -0700, Larry O. Dean wrote: > >This reminds me of similar cribbage by Ric Ocasek > on > >the Cars' "Double Life," from Candy O -- lines > lifted > >straight out of poems by beatnik (and City Lights > >Books owner) Lawrence Ferlinghetti -- I noticed > that > >when the album first came out, but never heard > >anything about it. > > Happens all the damn time: you could make a dozen > mixtapes out of songs > that have swiped lines out of novels. For some > reason, the two that come > to mind immediately are by Voice of the Beehive: > "Sorrow Floats" is a > refrain in John Irving's THE HOTEL NEW HAMPSHIRE and > "Monsters and Angels" > cops its chorus from Ann Beattie's PICTURING WILL. > > S > ~~~~the last time i saw rhett miller, i had him sign my copy of catcher in the rye. i had recently re-read it, as holden caufield is one of my all time favorite characters (on occasion, holding the #1 spot), and so i go back to the book now and then, just to remind me why he and i would have been such great friends. anyway, i'm reading along, when boom. holden refers to his kid sister (phoebe?) as 'rollerskate skinny.' well, there you go, i think. THAT'S where rhett got that from. i knew he was well read, but now he's just jumped even higher in my list of reasons to love him. a great song by the old 97's and i'm going to see rhett in a few days. i'm not ever going to get *salinger* to sign my book, and it's cooler than asking rhett to sign my cd. he DID sign the book, and looked both genuinely surprised and pleased. i'm totally happy with it, and will be nicely reminded every time i go to re-read it. jocelyn > > > > __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo http://search.yahoo.com