At 10:07 AM 7/7/2003 -0500, Michael Bennett wrote: >If all goes according to plan, I will be in New York City when Sparks plays >a free gig in Central Park on August 3, with the wacky dance duo Junior >Senior opening. My question to the Audities gang -- what's the story with >these Central Park gigs? For a band that will be, at best I presume, a mild >draw, when should I get there? Any tips or pointers? Anyone else in the >NYC area thinking of going? Well, Charity (a huge Sparks fan) and I will be there, and I believe Rick Gagnon is coming down from Montreal as well, plus most of the New York area pop fans I know have already made plans. And I wouldn't be sure that this will be "a mild draw," either -- besides the fact that Junior Senior have achieved Next Big Thing status in some circles, the Sparks cult is large and devoted enough to make this something of a pilgrimage, plus there are people who go to all of the free Central Park concerts regardless of who's playing. This is actually my first Central Park gig, but I'll ask Charity, who's done several of these before, what the standard operating procedure is. S